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About G-Core 365©

Welcome to G-Core 365©!

Every field in the world has one consistent ingredient, “You”

People make up the fabric of brilliant workability or absolute disasters.

The ground of being with which we interact, create and live, makes the real difference.

 In every moment, within each action, the choice is ours.

G-Core 365© Assists individuals, organizations, corporations, institutions of every kind, anywhere people come together to create, solve problems, make products, and interact at every level to create for themselves, the world and each other, a world that truly works for everyone.

Operating a corporation that truly affects the lives of people is not about doingness; it is about the way we are being in the world!

All people within and without the corporation with whom we connect are treated with dignity, respect and loving kindness.

We operate every aspect of our business(es) by living this way 24/7, 365. Not just when we’re open, not when it’s convenient, not just when somebody’s listening; ALL THE TIME!

We invite our families, friends, all countries and corporations to make a similar commitment.

We are betting the farm on ownership, responsibility, integrity, dignity, grace and loving kindness.

The integrity of G-Core 365© comes from you! This is not just a certification; this is a commitment you’re making. Not only as corporation, rather as every individual within it. Without you as an individual, an institution has no real ownership or responsibility.

G-Core 365© Partners with Be A World That Works for Everyone© 

Researching workability, global solutions and truth.

Creating and implementing real solutions.


The G-Core 365© Team 

© 2025 G-Core 365. All Rights Reserved.